Sit laus plena, sit sonóra,
Sit jucúnda, sit decóra,
Mentis jubilátio.
Sit jucúnda, sit decóra,
Mentis jubilátio.
Dies enim solémnis ágitur,
In qua mensæ prima recólitur,
Hujus institútio.
In qua mensæ prima recólitur,
Hujus institútio.
Let the praise be loud and high:
Sweet and tranquil be the joy
Felt today in every breast.
Sweet and tranquil be the joy
Felt today in every breast.
On this festival divine
Which records the origin
Of the glorious Eucharist.
Which records the origin
Of the glorious Eucharist.
Docti sacris institútis,
Panem, vinum, in salútis
Consecrámus hóstiam.
Panem, vinum, in salútis
Consecrámus hóstiam.
Dogma datur Christiánis,
Quod in carnem transit panis,
Et vinum in sánguinem.
Quod in carnem transit panis,
Et vinum in sánguinem.
Wherefore now, with adoration,
We, the host of our salvation,
Consecrate from bread and wine.
We, the host of our salvation,
Consecrate from bread and wine.
Hear, what holy Church maintaineth,
That the bread its substance changeth
Into Flesh, the wine to Blood.
That the bread its substance changeth
Into Flesh, the wine to Blood.
A suménte non concísus,
Non confráctus, non divísus:
Integer accípitur.
Non confráctus, non divísus:
Integer accípitur.
Sumit unus, sumunt mille:
Quantum isti, tantum ille:
Nec sumptus consúmitur.
Quantum isti, tantum ille:
Nec sumptus consúmitur.
They, who of Him here partake,
Sever not, nor rend, nor break:
But, entire, their Lord receive.
Sever not, nor rend, nor break:
But, entire, their Lord receive.
Whether one or thousands eat:
All receive the self-same meat:
Nor the less for others leave.
All receive the self-same meat:
Nor the less for others leave.
Sumunt boni, sumunt mali:
Sorte tamen inæquáli,
Vitæ vel intéritus.
Sorte tamen inæquáli,
Vitæ vel intéritus.
Mors est malis, vita bonis:
Vide paris sumptiónis
Quam sit dispar éxitus.
Vide paris sumptiónis
Quam sit dispar éxitus.
Both the wicked and the good
Eat of this celestial Food:
But with ends how opposite!
Eat of this celestial Food:
But with ends how opposite!
Here 'tis life: and there 'tis death:
The same, yet issuing to each
In a difference infinite.
The same, yet issuing to each
In a difference infinite.
Fracto demum Sacraménto,
Ne vacílles, sed memento,
Tantum esse sub fragménto,
Quantum toto tégitur.
Ne vacílles, sed memento,
Tantum esse sub fragménto,
Quantum toto tégitur.
Nulla rei fit scissúra:
Signi tantum fit fractúra:
Qua nec status nec statúra
Signáti minúitur.
Signi tantum fit fractúra:
Qua nec status nec statúra
Signáti minúitur.
Nor a single doubt retain,
When they break the Host in twain,
But that in each part remains
What was in the whole before.
When they break the Host in twain,
But that in each part remains
What was in the whole before.
Since the simple sign alone
Suffers change in state or form:
The signified remaining one
And the same for evermore.
Suffers change in state or form:
The signified remaining one
And the same for evermore.
Ecce panis Angelórum,
Factus cibus viatórum:
Vere panis filiórum,
Non mitténdus cánibus.
Behold the Bread of Angels,
For us pilgrims food and token
Of the promise by Christ spoken,
Children's meat, to dogs denied.
In figúris præsignátur,
Cum Isaac immolátur:
Agnus paschæ deputátur
Datur manna pátribus.
Shewn in Isaac's dedication,
In the manna's preparation:
In the Paschal immolation,
In old types pre-signified.
Bone pastor, panis vere,
Jesu, nostri miserére:
Tu nos pasce, nos tuére:
Tu nos bona fac vidére
In terra vivéntium.
Jesu, Shepherd of the sheep:
Thou Thy flock in safety keep,
Living Bread, Thy life supply:
Strengthen us, or else we die,
Fill us with celestial grace.
Tu, qui cuncta scis et vales:
Qui nos pascis hic mortáles:
Tuos ibi commensáles,
Cohærédes et sodáles,
Fac sanctórum cívium.
Qui nos pascis hic mortáles:
Tuos ibi commensáles,
Cohærédes et sodáles,
Fac sanctórum cívium.
Thou, Who feedest us below:
Source of all we have or know:
Grant that with Thy Saints above,
Sitting at the feast of love,
We may see Thee face to face.
Source of all we have or know:
Grant that with Thy Saints above,
Sitting at the feast of love,
We may see Thee face to face.
Amen. Alleluia.