The full ceremony of baptism may be found here.
The credence table is prepared with blessed salt and chrism. The baptism begins outside of the nave of the church, either in the narthex or outside.
The priest asks the child, "What do you ask of the Church of God?"
Through the godparents, the child answers, "Faith."
"What does faith offer you?"
"Eternal life."
"If, then, you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments: thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and thy neighbor as thyself."
Through the godparents, the child answers, "Faith."
"What does faith offer you?"
"Eternal life."
"If, then, you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments: thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and thy neighbor as thyself."
The priest breathes three times on the baby in the shape of a cross and says, "Depart from him, unclean spirit, and give place to the Holy Ghost, the Consoler."
He marks the baby's forehead and heart with the Sign of the Cross, saying, "Receive the mark of the Cross on your forehead and within your heart. Embrace the faith with its divine teachings. So live that you will indeed be a temple of God."
Placing his hand over the baby, the priest prays that he be "freed from all blindness of heart...from the snares of Satan which until now have held him...that he may serve Thee in Thy Church and make progress from day to day in the way of perfection."…
If the salt has not already been exorcised, it is done at this point in the ceremony. The salt was blessed prior to this baptism.
A few grains of blessed salt are placed in the child's mouth. The salt symbolizes wisdom, which gives a desire for the sweetness of divine wisdom, preserves it by the teaching of the Gospel from the corruption of sin, and prevents evil from growing in men's souls.
The priest makes the Sign of the Cross over the baby three times as he prays, "Come forth depart from this servant of God, for He commands you, accursed and damned spirit, Who walked upon the sea...accursed devil, acknowledge your condemnation and pay homage to the true and living God...for Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, has called him to His holy grace and blessing and to the font of baptism."
He signs the baby's forehead with the Cross, saying, "Accursed devil, never dare to desecrate this sign of the holy Cross which we are tracing upon his forehead."
Again placing his hand over the baby, he prays that the baby who has "had his first taste of blessed food in the form of salt [may be satisfied with the bread of heaven] and be forever fervent in spirit, joyful in hope, and zealous in Thy service...lead him to the waters in which he will be born again so that he, with all who believe in Thee, may obtain the unending rewards which Thou hast promised."
Once more placing his hand over the child's head, he prays that God, "grant him the light of Thine own wisdom. Cleanse him and make him holy. Give him true knowledge so that he may be made worthy of the grace of Thy Baptism and maintain firm hope, sound judgment, and a grasp of holy doctrine."
The priest lays the end of the stole over the baby as a sign of his priestly authority and admits him into the church. As this is done, those present recite the Apostle's Creed and the Our Father.
It is customary for the godmother to hold the baby for the duration of the ceremony, symbolizing the role she will have in his spiritual formation. This was also done for practical reasons in the past as the mother would not be present for the baptism, which often took place within 48 hours of the birth of the child.
Another exorcism is done as the priest makes the Sign of the Cross over the child three times, saying, "I exorcise you, every unclean spirit...that you may depart from this creature of God, whom our Lord has called to His holy temple in order that he may become a temple of the living God..."
Touching the baby's ears, he says, "Ephpheta, quod est, Adaperire." (Ephpheta, which means, 'Be opened.'")
Mark 7:31-37
He touches the baby's nostrils and says, "So that you may perceive the fragrance of God's sweetness. But you, O devil, depart, for the judgment of God has come."
Mark 7:31-37
He touches the baby's nostrils and says, "So that you may perceive the fragrance of God's sweetness. But you, O devil, depart, for the judgment of God has come."
The baby is anointed with the oil of catechumens on the breast and between the shoulders.
"I anoint you with the oil of salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord, so that you may have everlasting life."
After changing the violet stole for a white one, the Sacrament of Baptism is administered.
"N., I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
The baby's head is anointed with chrism.
The baptismal candle is given to the godfather. The priest instructs the child, "Receive this burning light, and keep the grace of your Baptism throughout a blameless life. Observe the commandments of God...When the Lord comes to His heavenly wedding feast, you will be able to meet Him with all the saints in the halls of heaven and live forever and ever."
Ideally, the baptismal candle is present and lighted when one receives Extreme Unction, symbolizing the light of the sacraments that has accompanied the person through his life. In 14 years of priesthood, Canon has seen this happen only once.
An optional additional ceremony called the Churching of the Mother may be done. The ceremony serves to "welcome" the mother back to the church after a month or more of absence during her recovery period. Because such extended absences are no longer the norm, Churching is not done as frequently and was not done at this baptism. Instead, the parents dedicated themselves and their child to Our Lady and received a blessing from the priest.
A new son in Christ and a new soul for heaven.