There are two schools of pronunciation that are commonly used today: ecclesiastical Latin (or "church Latin"), and classical Latin. Ecclesiastical Latin is used during the Liturgy and is what is explained here. The grammar and definition of words do not change between church and classical Latin. This is meant to be a guide to the general basics for native English speakers. As with any language, there is nuance in pronunciation between countries, parishes, and individuals.
á, é, í, ó, ú
Show which syllable has the emphasis. Sometimes stressing a different syllable changes the word's meaning, even if the spelling is the same.
María (mah-ree-ah) - Mary
mária (mah-ree-ah) - sea
á, é, í, ó, ú
Show which syllable has the emphasis. Sometimes stressing a different syllable changes the word's meaning, even if the spelling is the same.
María (mah-ree-ah) - Mary
mária (mah-ree-ah) - sea
A - ah, as in Father
adorámus (ah-doh-rah-moos) - we adore
adorámus (ah-doh-rah-moos) - we adore
E - eh, as in bless
movéndi (moh-vehn-dee) - move
íte (ee-teh) - go
movéndi (moh-vehn-dee) - move
íte (ee-teh) - go
I or Y - ee, as in ring. When paired with another vowel, both vowels are almost always pronounced separately.
vídeo (vee-deh-oh) - I see
Kýrie (Gr.) (kee-ree-eh) - Lord
Moýses (moh-ee-sehs) - Moses
vídeo (vee-deh-oh) - I see
Kýrie (Gr.) (kee-ree-eh) - Lord
Moýses (moh-ee-sehs) - Moses
O - oh, as in or
ómnium (ohm-nee-oom) - all
ómnium (ohm-nee-oom) - all
U - oo, as in tutor
lúmen (loo-men) - light
lúmen (loo-men) - light
Sometimes two vowels are combined to make one sound. ae and oe/æ and œ - eh, as in bless. Sometimes used interchangeably.
cæli (cheh-lee) - heaven. Also spelled cœli.
lætáre (leh-tah-reh) - rejoice
Sometimes when ae and oe are paired, each vowel is pronounced. An umlaut is used in these cases.
Míchaël (mee-kah-ehl) - Michael
Ísraël (ees-rah-ehl) - Israel
cæli (cheh-lee) - heaven. Also spelled cœli.
lætáre (leh-tah-reh) - rejoice
Sometimes when ae and oe are paired, each vowel is pronounced. An umlaut is used in these cases.
Míchaël (mee-kah-ehl) - Michael
Ísraël (ees-rah-ehl) - Israel
au - ow, as in how
áudio (ow-dee-oh) - I hear
gaudéte (gow-deh-teh) - rejoice
áudio (ow-dee-oh) - I hear
gaudéte (gow-deh-teh) - rejoice
C - when before e, i, æ, or œ: ch, as in church. In all other cases: k, as in key.
cíbus (chee-boos) - food
cœpi (cheh-pee) - begin
clámo (klah-moh) - I call
cíbus (chee-boos) - food
cœpi (cheh-pee) - begin
clámo (klah-moh) - I call
G - when before e, i, æ, or œ: soft, as in gentle. In all other cases: hard, as in glory.
génu (jeh-noo) - knee
gustáte (goo-stah-teh) - taste
génu (jeh-noo) - knee
gustáte (goo-stah-teh) - taste
H - silent except in the words mihi or nihil, where it is often pronounced as a soft K.
hóstias (oh-stee-ahs) - offering
míhi (mee-kee) - me
níhil (nee-keel) - nothing
hóstias (oh-stee-ahs) - offering
míhi (mee-kee) - me
níhil (nee-keel) - nothing
J - y, as in yes. Interchangeable with I for a more phonetic spelling. The pronunciation stays the same.
Jésus (Yeh-soos) - Jesus. Also spelled Iesus.
éjus (eh-yoos) - his. Also spelled eius.
juventútem (yoo-vehn-too-tehm) - youth. Also spelled iuventutem.
Jésus (Yeh-soos) - Jesus. Also spelled Iesus.
éjus (eh-yoos) - his. Also spelled eius.
juventútem (yoo-vehn-too-tehm) - youth. Also spelled iuventutem.
R - "flipped" by flicking the tongue against the roof of the mouth. It is not rolled as in Spanish or Russian. Comparable to a soft "d" sound as shown below.
pro (pdo) - for
coróna (koh-doh-nah) - crown
pro (pdo) - for
coróna (koh-doh-nah) - crown
V - v, as in very. This is one of the easiest ways to determine whether you are hearing ecclesiastical Latin or classical Latin, as it is pronounced as a W in classical Latin.
vídimus (vee-dee-moos) - we saw
lavábo (lah-vah-bo) - I will wash
vídimus (vee-dee-moos) - we saw
lavábo (lah-vah-bo) - I will wash
X - ks, as in wax
rex (rehks) - king
díxit (dee-kseet) - he/she/it said
déxteram (dehks-teh-rahm) - right
rex (rehks) - king
díxit (dee-kseet) - he/she/it said
déxteram (dehks-teh-rahm) - right
Z - dz or ts. This is a frequently contested point of pronunciation and either is acceptable.
Názareth (nah-tsah-ret) - Nazareth
Názareth (nah-tsah-ret) - Nazareth
CH - k as in key (H is silent). Pronunciation does not change, regardless of what vowel follows.
chérubim (keh-roo-beem) - cherubim
schóla (skoh-lah) - school
chérubim (keh-roo-beem) - cherubim
schóla (skoh-lah) - school
EX - when pronounced alone or paired with a consonant: ehks, as in excite. When combined with a vowel: eggs (or eggz), as in exaggerate.
expécto (ehks-pehk-toh) - I wait
éxitu (eggs-ee-too) - go out
expécto (ehks-pehk-toh) - I wait
éxitu (eggs-ee-too) - go out
GN - ny, as in lasagna. Similar to gn in Italian and ñ in Spanish.
àgnus (ah-nyoos) - lamb
Magníficat (mah-nyee-fee-kaht) - he/she/it magnifies
àgnus (ah-nyoos) - lamb
Magníficat (mah-nyee-fee-kaht) - he/she/it magnifies
SC - before e, i, and æ: sh, as in ship. In all other cases: sk, as in scrap.
scímus (shee-moos) - we know
súscipe (soo-shee-peh) - receive
scápulis (skah-poo-lees) - shoulders
scriptúras (skreep-too-rahs) - scriptures
scímus (shee-moos) - we know
súscipe (soo-shee-peh) - receive
scápulis (skah-poo-lees) - shoulders
scriptúras (skreep-too-rahs) - scriptures
TH - t, as in taste (H is silent)
thrónum (troh-noom) - throne
Cathólicam (kah-toh-lee-kahm) - Catholic
thrónum (troh-noom) - throne
Cathólicam (kah-toh-lee-kahm) - Catholic
TI - when followed by a vowel and preceded by any letter except s or x: tsee. In all other cases: tee.
sequéntia (seh-kwehn-tsee-ah) - continuing
Póntio (pohn-tsee-oh) - Pontius
petitiónem (peh-tee-tsee-oh-nem) - petitions
hóstias (oh-stee-ahs) - sacrifices
sequéntia (seh-kwehn-tsee-ah) - continuing
Póntio (pohn-tsee-oh) - Pontius
petitiónem (peh-tee-tsee-oh-nem) - petitions
hóstias (oh-stee-ahs) - sacrifices
When consonants are doubled they are emphasized slightly, pronounced across two syllables.
tóllis (tohl-lees) - you take
hosánna (oh-sahn-nah) - hosanna
tóllis (tohl-lees) - you take
hosánna (oh-sahn-nah) - hosanna