O magnum mystérium
et admirábile sacraméntum
ut animália vidérent Dóminum natum
jacéntem in præsépio.
et admirábile sacraméntum
ut animália vidérent Dóminum natum
jacéntem in præsépio.
O beáta virgo, cujus viscéra
meruérunt portáre Dóminum
Jesum Christum.
meruérunt portáre Dóminum
Jesum Christum.
O great mystery
and wondrous sacrament
that animals should see the newborn Lord
lying in a manger.
and wondrous sacrament
that animals should see the newborn Lord
lying in a manger.
O blessed Virgin, whose womb
merited to bear the Lord
Jesus Christ.
merited to bear the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Læténtur caeli et exsúltet terra ante fáciem Dómini quóniam venit.
(Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad before the Face of the Lord for He cometh.)
Psalm 95 (Douay Rheims 94):11, 13. Offertory of the Christmas Mass at Midnight.