The ministers enter, vested for Mass. The deacon and subdeacon wear folded chasubles, which are penitential garments. They contrast with the dalmatic and tunicle that are respective to their roles during non-penitential times.
As on every Sunday, the Asperges is done immediately after the procession, before the blessing of the palms. There are three tones that may be used for the Asperges Me, and the sorrowful third tone was the one used during Lent.
The pre-1955 Blessing of Palms begins with what is almost its own full Mass ("dry Mass"). It includes an Introit, Epistle chanted by the subdeacon, a Gradual, Tract, Gospel with procession, and Preface, followed by the Sanctus.
The deacon changes out of folded chasuble into broadstole before the Gospel procession. The broadstole developed from the practice of the deacon pulling the chasuble up and over one shoulder.
The book of the Gospels is taken with procession, candles, and incense.
The celebrant is incensed after the Gospel.
After the Gospel, the Sanctus is sung. Five blessings are made over the palms, after which, they are sprinkled with holy water and incensed.
Beginning with the ministers, the palms are distributed.
When one receives the palm, he kisses the palm first, then the hand of the celebrant. This is also done during the distribution of candles at Candlemas, one of two other days - the other being Ash Wednesday - when solemn blessings are made over sacramentals that are distributed to the faithful.
As the palms are distributed, the choir chants,
"The Hebrew children
bearing olive branches,
went forth to meet the Lord,
crying out, and saying,
Hosanna in the highest.
The children of the Hebrews
spread in the way their clothes and garments,
and cried, saying,
Hosanna to the Son of David:
Blessed is he that cometh
in the name of the Lord!"
"The Hebrew children
bearing olive branches,
went forth to meet the Lord,
crying out, and saying,
Hosanna in the highest.
The children of the Hebrews
spread in the way their clothes and garments,
and cried, saying,
Hosanna to the Son of David:
Blessed is he that cometh
in the name of the Lord!"
After palms have been affixed to the veiled processional cross, everyone leaves the church in a procession.
When the procession returns to the church, the doors are closed. From behind the doors, someone sings, "Gloria, laus, et honor tibi sit, Rex Christe Redémptor, cui puérile decus prompsit hosánna pium."
(Glory, laud, and honor be to You, Christ Redeemer King, to Whom little children sang their sweet Hosannas.)
This has been very well translated and adapted into the hymn, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor."
(Glory, laud, and honor be to You, Christ Redeemer King, to Whom little children sang their sweet Hosannas.)
This has been very well translated and adapted into the hymn, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor."
The singer behind the doors chants the five verses of “Gloria, laus, et honor” and those outside sing the refrain.
At the conclusion of the hymn, the subdeacon strikes the door three times with the handle of the processional cross. It is opened immediately.
Pope Benedict XVI said of this tradition, "the mystery of Jesus Christ Himself Who, with the wood of His Cross, with the power of His love that is given, knocked from the side of the world at God's door; on the side of a world that was not able to find access to God. With His Cross, Jesus opened God's door, the door between God and men. Now it is open."
Pope Benedict XVI said of this tradition, "the mystery of Jesus Christ Himself Who, with the wood of His Cross, with the power of His love that is given, knocked from the side of the world at God's door; on the side of a world that was not able to find access to God. With His Cross, Jesus opened God's door, the door between God and men. Now it is open."
The procession reenters the church and Mass is begun.